Celebrating our 20 year Anniversary!
Thank you to all our customers for your love and support throughout all these years!
Now Offering Lunch buffet

We now offer lunch buffet
7 days a week
Monday - Sunday
11:30 am - 2:30 pm
Monday - Friday
$16.95 + tax
Saturday and Sunday
$18.95 + tax
5:30 pm - 9 pm
$21.95+ Tax
All you can eat
*Senior Discount on buffet**

We are Proud to announce that we Serve Halal Meat, Vegan and Gluten - Free Food

Cinnamon opened its doors in 2005 founded by executive chef Mahindra Singh in the pursuit to fulfill is philosophy. Wanting to create a place where he can bring together families and food he selected the town of Morris Plains to be the home of Cinnamon. Mahindra believes that food is an essential component of joy, friendship and daily happiness. From the time you enter our doors you will be treated as family and enjoy one of life's greatest pleasures - Delicious Food.

We offer Catering and Tray orders for all your Party and Event needs. Contact us for more information.

2920 State Rte 10 West , Powder Mill Plaza West
Morris Plains, NJ 07950
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